Chapel Hill welcomes Playa Bowls to their community

Playa Bowls Opens New Location in Chapel Hill

We’re delighted to announce that Playa Bowls is joining the Chapel Hill community soon.

Using the freshest, highest-quality ingredients, Playa Bowls offers healthy, delicious açai, pitaya, coconut bowls, and smoothies with sustainability and community in mind.

With the help of York-broker James Troxler, the company signed a 10 year lease on 1,625 SF at 104 East Franklin Street. We expect them to open this summer and can’t wait to welcome them to the neighborhood!

Stay tuned for updates and visit their website to get a sneak peek of what’s to come!

Postino Wine Café Coming to the Village District

Construction on the new Postino Wine Café in the Village District is in full swing! In the coming weeks, demolition will continue as crews work on the roof, foundation, and interior buildout of this unique industrial-chic wine café.

Though an opening date is still yet to be determined, foodies can look forward to indulging soon in Postino’s scrumptious bruschetta, paninis, charcuterie boards, and expansive wine list. This Arizona-based café will be a welcome addition for sipping, snacking, and socializing when its doors open later this year.

Stay tuned for more updates on the progress of the Village District’s latest hot spot!

York employees donate clothing and other items to Note in the Pocket.

York Supports Note in the Pocket

This month we collected new and gently used clothing to support Note In The Pocket whose mission – to clothe impoverished children and families with dignity and love – truly resonates with our group!

What we know about clothing insecurity is that when kids feel “out of place” or that they don’t fit in because of their clothing, they often lack the confidence to draw any attention to themselves – whether that’s raising their hand in class or making a new friend.

Thank you Note in the Pocket for all the work you do to clothe Wake (and now Durham) County school children in confidence!