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Meet Our People

Published March 29, 2022 by Salem Barcus

Accounting Manager, Ryan Beacham, joined York Properties in 2015 and has been busy ever since building tools to help create efficiencies, managing a team of accountants, and keeping a whole list of properties going strong. He is a University of Maryland alumni, having graduated with a degree in accounting and business administration.

Ryan’s family is originally from the Triangle, but he has spent most of his life in the DC/Baltimore metro area. He moved down to Harnett County eight years ago because he really loved the area and wasn’t much of a big city person.

When he’s not in the office Ryan enjoys camping, shooting, yard work, and anything that gets him outdoors. He also volunteers his time handling finance work for his church, Buies Creek First Baptist.

Ryan believes in putting everything you’ve got into whatever you do. Do it right, or don’t do it at all. He says he enjoys working with York because of the people. “We have a phenomenal team of really great people. I’ve had the pleasure to work with some outstanding clients, as well, that I’ve really built solid relationships with over the years.”

We are fortunate to have him on our team!